20 January 2024
We have reached a crisis point with the amount of dog poo left behind and the holes dug in the paddock by our canine customers. A number of customers bring their small children to the paddock and for a child to tread or even fall into dog poo is just unimaginably horrid. The holes dug in the paddock present a hazard and are also slowly destroying the grass surface.
We have run out of ideas as to how we could encourage our customers to adhere to the booking condition to pick up after their dogs and not to let their dogs dig holes. We realise that sometimes owners may forget poo bags and we have some emergency bags available for those who may, by oversight, have left home without them. We have hired a company to come this week with fresh topsoil to fill in the holes.
If you have any suggestions as to what we can do to keep Ashdown a safe and pleasant place to exercise dogs responsibly please let us know.